
Login is the process by which individual access to the QBM is controlled by identification of the user using credentials provided by the user. A user can log in to QBM to obtain access, and then log out when the access is no longer needed.  The login must be assigned to at least one group to be allowed to gain access to QBM. For the logging to be successful the user must be associated with a privileged group and the user provide a correct password for the user.


QBM uses a login dialog to log the user in the system. If you have setup a company you can login to the system by the default user id, which is sa, or another limited user that is created by the administrator.


The login dialog requires you to specify the database name, user id, and password. You can check for a correct database name by clicking the Browse button.  If the database name is not correct, you may get 'login failed' error, which could be confusing from when you type an incorrect password. The table below describes the correct errors that you might get if you type an incorrect database name,a user id or a password.



If you type an incorrect

You get this error


Database name

Login failed.

cannot open database 'DatabaseName' requested by the login. The login failed.

Login failed for user 'UseName'.

'DatabaseName' is the name of the database.

'UseName' is the name of the user id, for example 'sa'.

User ID

Login failed for user 'UserName'.

Please check your user id and password.

'UseName' is the name of the user id, for example 'sa'.


Login failed.

Login failed for user 'UseName'.

'UseName' is the name of the user id, for example 'sa'.



You can add a new company to the companies in the login dialog by click on the 'Add new' or by using the Browse button. You can also clear a company from this list by clicking on the 'Clear'.