Receive Items and Enter Bill

You create a purchase receipt or bill to record the purchase transactions from your vendor.  You can enter an invoice receipt when you receive an invoice for a shipment receipt that was entered and posted earlier, or for a shipment that you have not yet received.  You can also create purchase receipts from multiple purchases orders.

The Invoice Receipts window is designed to resemble a physical invoice document and includes vendor, line item, and invoice information.

To create a purchase receipt:

  1. On the Vendors menu, click Receive Items & Enter Bills

  2. Select the Store to which purchased items go

  3. Select the Vendor

  4. Enter bill date

  5. Click on the Add Item button

  6. Select an item

  7. Enter the item quantity

  8. Enter the item price

  9. Click Enter button

  10. To save the bill click Save & Done, or start from step 5





If you want to

Do this

Select a particular purchase order

click Select PO button

Edit an item

double click the item, then edit the item and press enter to save that item in the list

Delete an item

select the item and click Delete button