Project Name
Reports can be simple lists such as customer phone list or they can be complex documents that include calculated information and historical data such as sales by customer report.
In Quick Business Manager you have the ability to preview report, export to Excel for further analysis, export to other file formats such as Word, PDF, XML, or HTML. A previewed report shows what will be printed on the paper. If the report is not in previewed window, you can adjust column width or hide some column you do not want to be printed.
You can filter a report before previewing or exporting to other applications such as excel. When you select a particular report, a pre-previewed report is displayed, where you can filter. You can filter a report based on dates and other criteria. For example, you can filter Sale by Customer report based on date and/or customer name.
This picture displays a report in a pre-previewed window. From this window you can print, preview, export to Excel, graph, or use File->Send To, to save in other formats such as HTML format.