Project Name
You can customize or design a print template to suit your business needs, for example you can place the company logo in a specific area or hide a column in the sales invoice. To customize a print template you can either open the template from the company or open it from a template file.
After opening a template you can design it as you design any printing document. You can move a label or a picture by the mouse to the appropriate location or change its width and height.
The right screen is where your design is applied. The left pane of the designer has all the controls that you can add to the right screen. The left pane also shows the properties of the selected control, for example, when you select a label the properties on the left pane changes that you can change them as well.
To add a control on the right pane, click the appropriate control to add it and then move the control in its correct location and also change its other properties. The following table describes each control that you can add on the right pane.
To add this control |
Do this
Description |
Label |
On the left pane click on the Label control, which has an icon with 'A' text. |
A label is useful if you want to write a text in it as a label. Label is also a placeholder for the QBM texts, such as a invoice date. |
Company Logo |
On the left pane click on the Logo control, which has an icon with LOGO text. |
You can add at most one company logo to the print template. After adding this control set its properties to suit your business needs. |
Barcode |
On the left pane click on the barcode control, which has a barcode icon on it. |
You can add at most one barcode to a print template. A barcode image prints the document number in barcode format, for example it prints an invoice number in barcode format. |
Page Number |
On the left pane, click on the 'Fields' button and select Page Number. |
A page number is printed on every page. |
Tax |
If you use tax in the document, select Tax field in 'Fields' button. |
Once you add this field, four labels are added. Two labels are the text labels and other two labels are the value labels. The value labels are identified by the value postfix at the end of the name; these names must not be changed since QBM uses these labels to identify the labels. For example, one labe is called labelAfterTaxTotalValue, which means QBM adds total after tax value, and another is called labelTaxValue, which is the tax value of the document. |
If you select a control, the properties of the selected control are shown on the left pane. These properties are described in the following table.
Name |
Description |
Name |
The name of the control. If this control is known to the QBM the name must not be changed, otherwise QBM cannot identify the control. Name property is internal to the QBM, and so it is better not to change any of these. However in some cases the user adds a label and rename the control to identify it to QBM. For example, the user may want the QBM to print the currency of the document and this label does not exist, so the user adds a label and name it labelCurrencySignValue. |
Text |
This is a text of the control. A text can be anything the user wants to be printed, for example the user may add a label and type a long text for this label, so this long text is printed. |
Right to Left |
This property specifies whether texts of the label should begin from the right or from the left. If is checked, the texts are printed from the right. |
Border |
This property specifies whether the control has a border. |
Back Color |
This property sets the back color of the label control. |
Fore Color |
This property sets the fore color of the label control. |
Font |
This property sets the font properties of the label control, such as the font name, font size, and so on. |
Align |
This property specifies the alignment of the texts in the label control. |
Location |
This property specifies the location of the control, which are the X and Y. The X property specifies the location of the control from the left of the screen, and the Y property specifies the location of the control from the Top of the screen. |
Size |
This property specifies the size of the control. which are the Width and Height of the control. |
Label |
This property specifies whether the control is a known control that is identified to QBM, or just a label that the user wants to be printed. If the control is just a label, this property must be checked, otherwise the check mark must be removed. |
Properties of a Label control
In some print templates there is a list of items that can be printed, for example a Sales Invoice print template. The following table describes the properties of the list for formatting.
Name |
Description |
Setting |
Clicking on 'Setting' button, shows the properties of the columns, such as the texts of the headers or whether to hide certain columns. To hide a certain column uncheck the specified column. |
Border |
This property specifies whether the list has a border. |
Headers properties |
These properties are the Fore Color property and the Font properties. These properties specify the formats of the headers of the list. For example, it specifies the fore color of each header. |
Items properties |
These properties are the Fore Color property and the Font properties. These properties specify the formats of the items of the list. For example, it specifies the fore color of each item. |
A picture place holder, such as a barcode or a logo, can have a property. The stretch or normal property determine whether to stretch the picture to fit its width.
After designing the print template, the template must be loaded into the company database in order for the document to print on it. If you are connected to a company you can load the print template directly from File menu and then select Save and Use, which loads a single template in the database. For more information please see Loading Print Templates topic.