Project Name
A job is a sales agreement between a customer and a company for goods and services that are delivered over a period of time. A job might also be known as a project, a policy (in the insurance field) or a case (in the legal field).
The purpose of tracking jobs is to compare profitability among jobs, so you can see which elements are good for business and which are not. When you sell stock items, you can compare the cost of the items to their sales prices to track profitability for those items. When you use jobs, you can link expenses of any kind to invoices. That gives you true profitability reporting, from a job perspective as well as from a customer perspective.
You can use job in most documents such as credit/cash invoices, bills, quotes,orders, inventory adjustments, journal entries, expense entries, payrolls, and many others.
When you purchase items for the job, link them to the job:
Select the job on the supplier purchase invoice or bill.
When you create an expense for the job, link them to the job:
Select the job in the expense entry
When you create any other documents for the job, link them to job:
Select the job in the document
A job can have a group and type as well.