Add a New Warehouse or Shop

Quick Business Manager supports multiple warehouse for a single company.  In addition it supports more than one merchandise store for the single company. This means that your business can have more than one shop and all connected to a single database.  You can have different reports and transactions for each shop separately. This is useful for example if you want to know the performance of each shop within the company and also the availability of items in each store.


To add a new warehouse

  1. From Inventory menu, select Location List

  2. Select New

  3. Select Warehouse from the store types

  4. Enter the name of the warehouse and all the other information if necessary

  5. click OK

To add a new shop

  1. From Inventory menu, select Location List

  2. Select New

  3. Select Shop from the store types

  4. Enter the name of the shop and all the other information if necessary

  5. click OK