Business Processes

Business Process is a group of business activities undertaken by an organization in pursuit of a common goal. A business process usually depends upon several business functions for support, for example, IT, personnel, or accommodation. A business process rarely operates in isolation, for example, other business processes will depend on it and it will depend on other processes.

A typical business process involves purchasing, inventory, sales, accounting, and reports.  Quick Business Manager automates these processes based on real life business scenarios.  In Quick Business Manager, all the processes are integrated and executed in real time bases, so it ensures availability of real time information.


Quick Business Manager helps you track investments, purchases, expenses, sales, and other income.  By entering transactions to track business activity, you can use the software to generate reports that indicate whether the business is making money or losing money.  If your business’s revenue is greater than its expenses, the business has earned a profit and increased the equity of the owners.  Management then can decide how and when to reinvest in the business.  The business cycle starts again.


For example, a computer shop has the following business processes: